Seen a lot of photos of people recreating Tacobell’s Crunchwrap supreme, so I decided to use up my soft wraps and whatever veggies I had in the fridge and make a simple one. The crunchwraps on the internet have lots of layers, cheese sauce, sweetcorn, tortilla chips as a middle layer to separate the salad, but this is a fast fix for lunch.
This crunch wrap uses mushrooms, a red onion and a red pepper.
Simply chop them up and gently fry them in a little oil until reduced and well cooked, set aside.
Place the larger wrap on the chopping board and put the filling in the centre of the wrap leaving a good border around it.
Now place the small wrap on top of the filling. If you can’t find a smaller wrap, use one of the large ones and cut a small circles out if it.
Carefully fold the bottom larger wrap up and around until you have it completely folded up. This is where you near 3 pairs of hands to stop it unwrapping. I guess its probably easier if there is less filling with a larger border and a smaller top wrap, so you can fold more wrap up and around, but then one side will have quite a thick side of wrap.
Gently place fold side down onto a frying pan, its easier if the pan is cold, then it allows you to fiddle with tucking the wrap under ? . Heat the pan and cook for 3 mins until crispy.
Turn over and cook the other side for 3 minutes. place on chopping board and allow to rest for a few minutes and cut in half and eat.
fry the mushrooms and peppers get a large and small soft wrap place the filling on the larger one leaving a border place the samller wrap on top and fold up the larger wrap around the top be quick though as it tends to unfold fry with the fold side down 3 mins turn and cook the othersie allow to cool slight and cut in half ready to eat